

Sayafx opened this issue · 6 comments


Sayafx commented


  1. Click '+ Add a website' in 'Website List' page;
  2. Click Upload or clone from the Internet, and 'paste Git Repo/Zip URL' input https://github.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php, click 'Apply this template', change the domain at right, then click 'Add a Website';
  3. Waiting everythings done;
  4. Click the menu [Check] at top, and select Check NGINX;
  5. Delete the [locations] (and delete its children), 3 lines;
  6. Input rewrite: ^/(?!.well-known)(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 last instead, click 'Save';
  7. Open your url to start.
  1. Click '+ Add a website' in 'Website List' page;
  2. Click Upload or clone from the Internet, and 'paste Git Repo/Zip URL' input https://github.com/qkqpttgf/OneManager-php, click 'Apply this template', change the domain at right, then click 'Add a Website';
  3. Waiting everythings done;
  4. Click the menu [Check] at top, and select Check NGINX;
  5. Delete the [locations] (and delete its children), 3 lines;
  6. Input rewrite: ^/(?!.well-known)(.*)$ /index.php?/$1 last instead, click 'Save';
  7. Open your url to start.


Unable to add OneDrive account, returning to 'no refresh token'.

Unable to add OneDrive account, returning to 'no refresh token'.

Where? How?