
Sqoot API Not Working

fayaza opened this issue · 1 comments

Recently i am aware of ql io... and i am working on sqoot api which i want to run in ql io console.. but some how the the console body returns empty result [] and in trace it give the result output in xml which is correct......... when i install node js module ql.io-engine its happen same no result in body... How can i get the json output with my result set in console and as well as in node js app;

sample query :
"create table myoffers on select get from 'https://api.sqoot.com/v1/offers?affiliate_token=3fvbuh&location={loc }&order=score&page=1&per_page=5' resultset 'result.offers.offer' select * from myoffers where loc = 'sanfrancisco';"

if i am missing anything in the query... please let me know ASAP....

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