
Extract fields from Pivot hypercube

xuuajii opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi guys,

I am struggling extracting fileds value from a pivot hypercube (qMode='P') using the picasso-q-plugin:
I have tried this:

const qHyperCube=qLayout.qHyperCube
const ds = picasso.data('q')({
const dim0 = ds.extract({field:'qDimensionInfo/0'})

but dim0 is an empty array as well as fieldItems (below) while raw, key and id contains the expected values

const dsFields = ds.fields()
const fieldItems = fields[0].items()
const raw = fields[0].raw()
const id = fields[0].id()
const key = fields[0].key()

Could you please let me know if I am missing something?
Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi @taan11

There's unfortunately no support yet for qMode: 'P' - the complexities of the pivot structure makes it bit trickier to figure out exactly how to extract the values

ok, thanks, I had figured it out, but I wanted to be sure.
If you had time, it could be useful to explicitly tell this in docs.