
use html5 video tag with MSE for raw h264 live streaming.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

这个库来自于:https://github.com/ChihChengYang/wfs.js 根据自己的项目需求,改进了几个地方:

  1. 为了低延时,去掉了缓存(解决延时问题)
  2. 设置mvhd.duration = 0, 开启浏览器解码的低延时模式(解决延时问题)
  3. 对websocket收到的数据进行帧解析,确保提交给remux的数据是完整的一帧(解决花屏问题)
  4. index.html 添加了rotate180,解决了倒置问题。 5。详情参考 http://www.cnblogs.com/programmer-wfq/p/7281894.html

================ wfs.js - html5 player for raw h.264 streams.

A javascript library which implements websocket client for watching and focusing on raw h.264 live streams in your browser that works directly on top of a standard HTML5 element and MediaSource Extensions.

It works by transmuxing H264 NAL unit into ISO BMFF (MP4) fragments.

Also,Implement a demo server to push video streams.


git clone https://github.com/ChihChengYang/wfs.js.git


  1. setup node.js/npm dev environement

  2. cd wfs.js

  3. npm install

  4. npm run build

demo server

Setup go's dev environement

go get "github.com/gorilla/websocket"

go get "github.com/satori/go.uuid"


Demo server serves with raw h.264 files, yet that can be easily transfered and connected to RTSP or other sources (h.264 streaming).


  1. run ./demo/wfs_server

  2. open a browser e.g. Chrome ,

