
The Dropdownmenu won't scroll when too many items

rico237 opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm using this array with 19 items on it, some items are then listed outside of the iphone screen and the menu don't scroll so users can't reach the 19th elements of my array ...


The code I used to dynamically load array into your menu from your demo project

`func prepareNavigationBarMenu(_ currentChoice: String) {
navigationBarMenu = DropDownMenu(frame: view.bounds)
navigationBarMenu.delegate = self

	let toutesCat = ["Alimentaire","Artisanat","Bien-être","Décoration","E-commerce","Distribution","Hôtellerie","Immobilier","Informatique","Métallurgie","Médical","Nautisme","Paramédical","Restauration","Sécurité","Textile","Tourisme","Transport","Urbanisme"]
    var catCells : Array<DropDownMenuCell>
    catCells = []
    for string in toutesCat  {
        let cell = DropDownMenuCell()
        cell.textLabel!.text = string
        cell.menuAction = #selector(ViewController.choose(_:))
        cell.menuTarget = self
        if currentChoice == cell.textLabel!.text {
            cell.accessoryType = .checkmark
    navigationBarMenu.menuCells = catCells
	// If we set the container to the controller view, the value must be set
	// on the hidden content offset (not the visible one)
	navigationBarMenu.visibleContentOffset =
		navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.size.height + statusBarHeight()

	// For a simple gray overlay in background
	navigationBarMenu.backgroundView = UIView(frame: navigationBarMenu.bounds)
	navigationBarMenu.backgroundView!.backgroundColor = UIColor.black
	navigationBarMenu.backgroundAlpha = 0.7

Screenshot :

simulator screen shot on iPhone 7+

I've got the same issue.

I will try to code a fix for this :)

Done #20

Thanks for the patch, I'm going to review it.

Since we are working on a fix for this issue i can close it now :)

Don't forget to push to cocoapods cause i'm still getting the old version without the fix via cocoapods

I'll push a new version as soon as iOS 11 support is fixed (#19).

the problem is titleview in navigation bars frame is set to 0 .If you add a frame ( actually you shouldnt need to but, in IOS 11 yes) then your dropdown will start to work

qmathe , while you are pushing a new version, can you please add a property that closes the animation but show instantly when set to true.