
Only Arcs' UART can be recorded via automation toolbox

Opened this issue · 2 comments

if device["type"] == "Arc":

When using automation toolbox, the returned devices using "get_devices" returns only arcs that are connected, not allowing to record other UARTs that are connected.
From the documentation, UART (external to the Arc) devices should be supported as well


Reproduction steps:

  • Connect a USB to UART device
  • Verify in the Otii project settings it can be enabled
  • Run something that searches for devices such as :
    def initialize_arc(self): self.connection = otii_connection.OtiiConnection(self.ip, self.port) self.connect_response = self.connection.connect_to_server() if self.connect_response["type"] == "error": print("Exit! Error code: " + self.connect_response["errorcode"] + ", Description: " + self.connect_response["data"][ "message"]) sys.exit() try: self.otii_object = otii.Otii(self.connection) self.devices = self.otii_object.get_devices() if len(self.devices) == 0: print("No Arc connected!") sys.exit() self.my_arc = self.devices[0] self.proj = self.check_create_project() print("Calibrating Arc") self.my_arc.calibrate() self.initialzied = True except otii_exception.Otii_Exception as e: print("Error message: " + e.message)

#7 should fix this bug

xnk commented

We had to solve the get_devices issue in a slightly different way due to the new Otii 3 software handling more device types, so there's now an optional device_filter that can be passed to get_devices, see 591838c