Feature: Floquet spectrum
oameye opened this issue · 1 comments
oameye commented
Is there some interest that I add an example in docs or even a function to construct the quasienergy operator in Floquet theory. Once diagonalized it provides the Floquet spectrum of the time-periodic Hamiltonian.
Here is some code example to create a the basis
struct FloquetBasis <: Basis
FloquetBasis(m::Int) = new(Int[2*m+1], m) # Constructor
function QuantumOptics.number(b::FloquetBasis)
N = first(b.shape)
diag = ComplexF64.(N:-1:1)
data = spdiagm(0 => diag)
SparseOperator(b, data)
function floquet_cell(v::Ket)
fock, floquet = v.basis.bases
m̄ = identityoperator(fock) ⊗ number(floquet)
real(expect(m̄, v))
function photon_number(v::Ket)
fock, floquet = v.basis.bases
n̄ = number(fock) ⊗ identityoperator(floquet)
real(expect(n̄, v))
function parity(v::Ket)
fock, floquet = v.basis.bases
diag_vec = Complex[(-1)^(i-1) for i in 1:first(fock.shape)]
p = Operator(fock, Diagonal(diag_vec));
p̄ = p ⊗ identityoperator(floquet)
round(Int,real(expect(p̄, v)))
function get_quasienergy_operator(b; ω, ω₀=1.0, F=0.0, α=0.0, f::Function=isinteger)
dim_floquet = b.shape[2]
m = (dim_floquet-1)/2
# Fundamental operators
a = destroy(b.bases[1])
at = create(b.bases[1])
n = number(b.bases[1])
I = identityoperator(b.bases[1])
zero = spzeros(ComplexF64, size(I))
# Hamiltonians
H₀ᵃ(ω) = -((ω - ω₀) - 3*α/(4*ω₀))*n - (F/√(8*ω₀))*(a + at) + (3*α/(8*ω₀^2))*at*at*a*a
H₋₂ᵃ(ω) = - (F/√(8*ω₀))*a + (3*α/(4*ω₀^2))*a*a + (α/(4*ω₀^2))*at*a*a*a
H₂ᵃ(ω) = - (F/√(8*ω₀))*at + (3*α/(4*ω₀^2))*at*at + (α/(4*ω₀^2))*at*at*at*a
H₋₄ᵃ(ω) = (α/(16*ω₀^2))*a*a*a*a
H₄ᵃ(ω) = (α/(16*ω₀^2))*at*at*at*at
matrix_of_matrix = [zero for i in 1:dim_floquet, j in 1:dim_floquet]
filter_f(lin_idxs, M=matrix_of_matrix) = LinearIndices(M)[filter(idx -> !any(iszero.(M[get_diag_idxs(idx)])), CartesianIndices(M)[lin_idxs])]
matrix_of_matrix[diagind(matrix_of_matrix)] = [f(i) ? getfield(H₀ᵃ(ω) + i*ω*I, :data) : zero for i in -m:m]
matrix_of_matrix[filter_f(diagind(matrix_of_matrix,-2), matrix_of_matrix)] .= [H₂ᵃ(ω).data]
matrix_of_matrix[filter_f(diagind(matrix_of_matrix,2), matrix_of_matrix)] .= [H₋₂ᵃ(ω).data]
matrix_of_matrix[filter_f(diagind(matrix_of_matrix,-4), matrix_of_matrix)] .= [H₄ᵃ(ω).data]
matrix_of_matrix[filter_f(diagind(matrix_of_matrix,4), matrix_of_matrix)] .= [H₋₄ᵃ(ω).data]
matrix = reduce(vcat, [reduce(hcat, matrix_of_matrix[i, :]) for i in 1:dim_floquet])
return SparseOperator(b, matrix)
Qᵃ = get_quasienergy_operator_a(basis; ω=1.02, ω₀=1, F=0.0001, α=0.01)
Krastanov commented
Apologies for the slow answer. There is certainly a lot of interest in this being added. Please feel free to create a PR with this, even if it is in an unfinished state (maybe another community member will be able to help finish it).