
Cannot generate tempfile - Paperclip 2.3.5 / Rails 3.0.3

bensie opened this issue · 3 comments

There seems to be an issue with the to_file method in extras/paperclip.rb when using Paperclip 2.3.5 with Rails 3.0.3.

Any attempts generate (example):
cannot generate tempfile `/var/folders/Jv/JvqkFZNhEN4lP+EmlBOA-U+++TI/-Tmp-/photos/47/original/1287551730.jpeg20101119-49390-13hl3mn-9'

Just a note, the following commit is necessary to get Paperclip working on Rails 3.0.3:

Closed by b0c9a13

As of 2011-01-30 this is not yet available in any upstream relase, right?

That's correct, but this is an "extras" file that you'd need to use as an initializer in your project anyway -- you can just copy/paste the latest. No effect on the library itself.