
Get computed version

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If would be great if this plugin will provide a method to get computed "version" as gradle-git-version-calculator does.
I use this version to set some manifest properties.

Actually there is a gradle task already gradle :version -q

With your plugin archiveVersion.get() is null. project.version is deprecated and leads to archiveVersion also

That's an interesting problem. I think I understand why it behaves like this, however I think I need to do a little refactoring to make this work.
I will do so after my vacation in mid december .

Ok, thank you!

hi, before i create a new ticket, my propsal is maybe also relevant here, the final version is only available after the project evaluation, i had to move my repository config in this block to get the right repo selected (based on the version, which contains "-SNAPSHOT" in my case, if build from a branch)

if i do it outside the afterEvaluate block the version is not set

Kotlin DSL:

project.afterEvaluate {
    configure<PublishingExtension> {
        repositories {
            maven {
                val releaseRepositoryUrl = uri("https://artifact-manager-url/repositories/releases")
                val snapshotRepositoryUrl = uri("https://artifact-manager-url/repositories/snapshots")

                url = if (version.toString().endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) snapshotRepositoryUrl else releaseRepositoryUrl

                credentials {
                    username = System.getenv("ARTIFACT_MANAGER_USERNAME")
                    password = System.getenv("ARTIFACT_MANAGER_PASSWORD")

I've implement a solution, however it is a breaking change.
From my perspective there is no better solution possible. I also played with mixin on root project, but that causes a kinda quirky configuration.
I came up with the following solution.

version = '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
gitVersioning.apply {
    branch {
        pattern = 'master'
        versionFormat = 'master-SNAPSHOT'

I've just release version 2.1.0 it uses following syntax now

version = '1.0.0-SNAPSHOT'
gitVersioning.apply {
    branch {
        pattern = 'master'
        versionFormat = 'master-SNAPSHOT'

kotlin dsl snippet:

gitVersioning.apply(closureOf<GitVersioningPluginConfig> {
    preferTags = true
    branchVersionDescription(closureOf<VersionDescription> {
        pattern = "^(?!v[0-9]+).*"
        versionFormat = "\${branch}-\${commit.short}"
        pattern = "v(?<tagVersion>[0-9].*)"
        versionFormat = "\${tagVersion}"
        versionFormat = "\${commit.short}"

Thanks, everithing works fine (except changed branch config and closureOf<GitVersioningPluginConfig> part)

Oh damn it.I will fix it tomorrow.

should be fixed now in version 2.1.1