Qore YAML module (yaml) INTRODUCTION ------------ The Qore yaml module provides simple de/serialization between Qore data and YAML strings. For more information about YAML, see: http://www.yaml.org Basically this module provides a simple Qore-language API to libyaml http://pyyaml.org/wiki/LibYAML Conversions are supported with all Qore data types (except objects and NULL) with no information loss. Qore objects are currently not serialized, and NULL is serialized as YAML 'null'; deserialized as Qore NOTHING. see README and docs for more information LICENSE ------- The source code is released under the LGPL 2.1 and MIT licenses; either license may be used at the user's discretion. Note that both licenses are treated equally by the Qore library in the sense that both licenses allow the module to be loaded without restrictions by the Qore library (even when the Qore library is initialized in GPL mode). See COPYING.MIT and COPYING.LGPL for details on the open-source licenses. BUILDING -------- Requires qore 0.8.5+ and libyaml 0.1.3+ to build and run to configure the build, execute configure --disable-debug if the qore library cannot be found, then you can use: configure --disable-debug --with-qore=<dir> if libyaml cannot be found, then you can use: configure --disable-debug --with-libyaml=<dir> The qore binary also needs to be in the path so configure can determine the module directory Then execute make && make install (or 'make && sudo make install' as needed) please direct any questions to: david@qore.org or you can post in the qore forums at http://qore.org/forums