
Suggestions and questions

Ashtor opened this issue · 1 comments

  • I have few suggestions.. and here they are:
  • Commands:
  • /kick [user] [reason]
  • /ban [user] [reason] [time in seconds]("time in seconds" is optional by the owner/mod)
  • /unban [user]
  • Here are my questions
  • Can you delete the room called / and make a main channel for you and the devs for reporting bugs etc?
  • Can you give me a link and/or a list of permissions to use when using the command /chmod ? because I dont know what they are
qq99 commented


Your suggestions are reasonable :) Unfortunately I'm not doing any more work on echoplexus

Can you delete the room called / and make a main channel for you and the devs for reporting bugs etc?

This would not be possible (channels spring into existence the second someone navigates to their URL slug, and this is the default channel)

Can you give me a link and/or a list of permissions to use when using the command /chmod ? because I dont know what they are
