
Python Mode?

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The current behaviour works pretty well for c-style code, wherein indented blocks of code tend to be bookended by delimiters one indent level lower, but for whitespace-sensitive languages like python, coffeescript, etc, this plugin becomes less useful.

I think, with some reasonable effort, dentures could be made to behave sensibly for file types associated with this kind of code. What I would like to know is how you -- yes, you -- think this should work. I am deliberating between two ideas:

  • Add more text objects which will usefully select indent blocks for "python-style" code
    • Allows the user to specify exactly what they want to select, but...
    • Introduces more things for the user to remember
  • Modify the behaviour of the existing text objects in file types with "python-style" code
    • Eliminates the need for the user to memorise more text objects, but...
    • Reduces the level of control the user has over what they select

I see compelling arguments for either case, so I beseech you, the user, to tell me what you think is best.