
Overriding highlight group does not work (in neovim?)

rompetroll opened this issue · 2 comments

My understanding is that it should be possible to customize the highlight colors for matchmaker by adding something like highlight Matchmaker guibg=yellow guifg=black to the vim config before the plugin is loaded. However, I cannot get this to work i my neovim setup. It seems like changes to the highlight group only are effective if done inside of the plugin file.

I have no clue why that is. Could be because of other plugins, my gruvbox colorscheme, a neovim thing, ... .

My current solution is this:

With this new variable, the plugin will link the Matchmaker highlight group to a different group. Example usage:

let g:matchmaker_hl_group='underlined'

Now, while this works, I would prefer if I could set highlight link Matchmaker underlined in my user config instead.

Hmmm... what does verbose highlight Matchmaker tell you, in the case where it doesn't work as you expect?

Thanks for following this up, I had totally forgotten.

Apparently this works now. So it must have been fixed in neovim along the way I suppose.
I removed my custom config and just set highlight link Matchmaker underlined, and matches are underlined!
