
Emails and passwords.

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Can emails and passwords be printed this way?


I can try adding a custom format option for how to store passwords and emails, so that anyone can specify how they want them stored. I'll see if I can implement a clean solution soon.

Can I re-use previous emails with storages left? Or can you add an upload option with automatic pickout the account with storage available.

Can I re-use previous emails with storages left? Or can you add an upload option with automatic pickout the account with storage available.

Get the accounts from here and upload them with this program. https://github.com/tonikelope/megadoctor

Can I re-use previous emails with storages left? Or can you add an upload option with automatic pickout the account with storage available.

Any accounts you generate will be available for as long as mega doesnt take action against them (highly doubt they would). I believe you can use the python main.py -ka -v command, it'll login to all accounts and display how much storage is left aswell.

I love #DogancanYr idea to print the email and password as Email#Pass and save to a text file

Added custom formats in ea62c75, read the updated README.md to find out how to use this new feature.