
No module named 'pyppeteer'

Closed this issue · 3 comments

thank you for sharing with us this useful script
i have python Python 3.10.11 installed on win10 64bit
and i get this issue: No module named 'pyppeteer'
thank you for ur time

Try using the following command: pip install -r requirements.txt, then see if the same error occurs.

i already used : pip install -r requirements.txt when installing and after i re used pip install -r requirements.txt it says that the script is there but after that it just worked .. weird
one last question : is there a way to login to that email just to be sure that no one can acess to this email later espicially that it's a temporary email , also is there a difference between creating mega with a Gmail and with a temp email ?
thank u

is there a way to login to that email just to be sure that no one can acess to this email later espicially that it's a temporary email

You can go to https://mail.tm and login with the email and emailPassword credentials. Nobody has access to your account except you.

is there a difference between creating mega with a Gmail and with a temp email ?
