
Missing scripts

Selion05 opened this issue · 4 comments

source "/home/zordsdavini/.screenlayout/${SCREENS_COUNT}screens.sh"

I'm curious what's in those ${SCREENS_COUNT}screens.sh scripts. @zordsdavini Would you mind sharing them?

Either way I'm looking for way to setup qtile based on attached monitors. Most multiscreen setups depends on the hostname which doesn't work for me. Did I miss that in the docs?

yea, sure :) This is simple setup. You create your setup with xrandr (I did by arandr) and save it under 1screens.sh or 2screens.sh for one or two monitors. The sript will call one of them.
Today I don't use it any more. autorandr -c I use.

and today qtile config

nice thanks for sharing your new config! Now I know how to do it :)

As far as I understand, your new config doesn't depend on the number of monitors anymore. right?


yes. This is one time fix: plug all monitors, adjust by arandr, save with autorandr and call it on monitor change.

this can be closed