
example for push/pull progression

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could anyone help me to understand how the progress works ?
the pull/push methods can receive a IProgress object.
this object has a report function, but it wants an integer parameter.
i want something like this:
`Dim tProgress As IProgress(Of Integer) = Nothing
Dim tActProgress As Integer = 0

                Using tService As SyncService = New SyncService(New AdbSocket(New IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Loopback, AdbClient.AdbServerPort)), tWorkerArgs.QuestDevice)
                    Using tStream As Stream = File.OpenWrite(tAPKDestFullPath)
                        tService.Pull(tAPKSourceFullPath, tStream, tProgress, CancellationToken.None)
                        While tActProgress < 100

                        End While
                    End Using
                End Using`

would be nice if anyone could help me

I don't know much the VB.NET syntax so you gotta convert a bit from C# here but basically you create and initialize an IProgress<T> object, with T as the type of progress (in this case, int - Integer in VB.NET-) and assign a method to the EventHandler.
Then, when you call a method and you give it the IProgress<int>, every time the progress changes, the method you assigned will be called with the progress as a parameter.
Hope this helps!