
Memory Usage increasing alot when using GetFrameBufferAsync

CodingWithGelos opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, so i've been testing and I realize that using GetFrameBufferAsync causes my program's memory to increase alot, and eventually run out of memory. Is there a way to solve this? Or am I using the function wrongly?

return adbClient.GetFrameBufferAsync(device, CancellationToken.None).Result as Bitmap;

I'm using this function to grab screenshots from my android emulator.

Same here using version 2.3.23. It didn't exhibit this behavior when using version 2.2.35

I'm using it like this:

using (var framebuffer = await this.adbClient.GetFrameBufferAsync(this.Device, cancellationToken))
    using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(framebuffer))
        foreach (var item in coords)
            ret.Add(b.GetPixel(item.Item1, item.Item2));

Memory use over time:

I didn't let this session run as long, but it just keeps growing and growing despite the GC's. Previously, the app consumed about 50-60MB. The only change I made was updating the NuGet package to the current newest version.

Some more info since I had time

  1. I'm targeting .NET Framework 4.6.2
  2. If I use CreateRefreshableFramebuffer to get a single FrameBuffer instance and hold on to it to get screenshots the memory leak doesn't happen. (I call this method many times)
if (frameBuffer == null) frameBuffer = adbClient.CreateRefreshableFramebuffer(this.Device);

await frameBuffer.RefreshAsync(cancellationToken);

using (var image = frameBuffer.ToImage())
    using (Bitmap b = new Bitmap(image))

        foreach (var item in coords)
            ret.Add(b.GetPixel(item.Item1, item.Item2));


Maybe related to this removal of compile directives?

I was browsing this library because of another problem with screenshots and I saw this issue. I know this is an old issue but this may help others since it may not be fixed. I posted my fix for the memory leak of GetFrameBufferAsync here : SharpAdb/AdvancedSharpAdbClient#3 (comment)