If you have problem about testing your deivce's ble function. the project will Help you test your device that contains BLE function.
A simple tool project with serial-tool communication using your Raspberry PI and python. the tool applied gatt and serial interface to communicate with your device.
These have some tools you need to pick up.
Raspberry Pi 3/4 *1
Serial devices *2
cable *1
in your Raspberry
sudo pip3 install gatt
sudo apt-get install python3-dbus
sudo apt-get install blueman
and please following gatt-python.
First time you need to connect your DUT by raspberryPi bluetoothctl
These instructions step : RPi connect to DUT with system
- open terminal
sudo bluetoothctl
scan on
scan off
connect [MACaddress]
- [enter passkey] or not
- reboot your system and devices.
- open this project
- cd RPi-GATT
python3 main.py
previous showing the uuids information when connect to DUT.
you can take the uuids information to write into the ProjectUUID.py
def device1(self):
self.service = '0000xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
self.chara1 = '0000xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
self.chara2 = '0000xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
self.chara3 = '0000xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
the format of communication : ------ASCII------
- choose your project uuid
b0 p [project]
- connect to yourdevice
b0 c [macaddress]
- enter data to characteristic
b0 w [characteristic][data]
the project I reference gatt-python there contains example code and GATT SDK.