
Supply original string for special case processing

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We're developing a web platform for teachers to create questions. Often they'll create questions with blanks like this:


The quick brown fox ________ (jump) over the lazy dog

Which is rendered as The quick brown fox ________ (jump) over the lazy dog on GitHub here but is rendered as The quick brown fox (jump) over the lazy dog using markdown-to-jsx (which is understandable, as there are no characters within the bold text).

I'd like to render the original text if there's no characters within the bold text. Currently I can set component overrides like this:

function Strong(props: any) {
	if (props.children.length) return <strong {...props} />;
	return <span>____</span>;

function Em(props: any) {
	if (props.children.length) return <em {...props} />;
	return <span>__</span>;

Nonetheless as the original text isn't provided as prop, we can't tell ________ from ********. How can we tell them apart?

That ____ is emitting an <em> is actually a bug to me, it should be the plain text if there is nothing between the delimiters.

Here's some patch codes for underscores.

function checkIsAllUnderline(node: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult): number | false {
	if (node.type === RuleType.text) return /^_+$/.test(node.text) ? node.text.length : false;
	if (node.type !== RuleType.textEmphasized && node.type !== RuleType.textBolded) return false;
	let count = 0;

	for (let n of node.children) {
		const c = checkIsAllUnderline(n);
		if (c) count += c;
		else return false;
	return count + (node.type === RuleType.textEmphasized ? 2 : 4);

renderRule(next, node, renderChildren, state) {
	if (node) {
		// @ts-expect-error
		if (node.type === RuleType.gfmTask) return node.completed ? `[x]` : `[]`;
		const count = checkIsAllUnderline(node);
		if (count) {
			return Array.from({ length: count }, () => '_').join('');
	return next();

I get Cannot access ambient const enums when 'isolatedModules' is enabled. all over the place but it otherwise works for outputting _s.

That piece of code will generate issues like changing




so it isn't perfect by all means