
Error creating MongoClient in penguindome/server.py

Closed this issue · 6 comments


I'm a bit confused, I had to tweak penguindome/server.py in order to create a MongoClient object to connect to a mongodb test database.

I know a bit of python, and only played with mongodb 10 years ago ... so I may be saying stupid things, sorry for that.

I started a local mongodb 7.0.4 server.

I met following error :

  File "/home/xxxxxx/src/penguindome/src/PenguinDome/penguindome/server.py", line 131, in get_db
    newdb.authenticate(username, password)

TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. If you meant to call the 'authenticate' method on a 'Database' object it is failing because no such method exists.

From what I read it look s like it's related to dprecations in PyMongo lib : https://pymongo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/migrate-to-pymongo4.html#database-authenticate-and-database-logout-are-removed

Database.authenticate and Database.logout are removed

From the 'requirement.txt' I found in the project, PyMongo in use in venv is 4.5 so it makes sense.

I tried to fix locally with the changes below, which are absolutely not backward compatible and probably utterly fragile regarding the configuration file structure, I only considered my test case :

--- a/penguindome/server.py
+++ b/penguindome/server.py
@@ -109,27 +109,37 @@ def get_db(force_db=None):
         db = force_db
         return db
-    database_name = get_setting('database:name')
-    host = get_setting('database:host')
+    database_name = get_setting('database:name', 'penguindome')
+    hostport = get_setting('database:host', ['localhost:27017'])
+    if isinstance(hostport, str):
+        host = hostport.split(':')[0]
+        port = hostport.split(':')[1]
+    else:
+        hosts=[]
+        for h in hostport:
+            hosts.append(h.split(':')[0])
+            port = int(h.split(':')[1])
+        # TODO manage multi port values I have no idea how ?!
+        host=', '.join(hosts)
+    replicaset = get_setting('database:replicaset')
+    username = get_setting('database:username')
+    password = get_setting('database:password')
     if not host:
         connection = MongoClient()
-        if not isinstance(host, str):
-            host = ','.join(host)
-        kwargs = {}
-        replicaset = get_setting('database:replicaset')
+        kwargs = {
+            'host':host,
+            'port':port,
+            'username': username,
+            'password': password
+        }
         if replicaset:
             kwargs['replicaset'] = replicaset
-        connection = MongoClient(host, **kwargs)
+        connection = MongoClient(**kwargs)
     newdb = connection[database_name]
-    username = get_setting('database:username')
-    if username:
-        password = get_setting('database:password')
-        newdb.authenticate(username, password)

Which reads better like this :

def get_db(force_db=None):
    global db, pid

    if force_db is None and db is not None and os.getpid() == pid:
        return db

    pid = os.getpid()

    if force_db is not None:
        db = force_db
        return db

    database_name = get_setting('database:name', 'penguindome')
    hostport = get_setting('database:host', ['localhost:27017'])
    if isinstance(hostport, str):
        host = hostport.split(':')[0]
        port = hostport.split(':')[1]
        for h in hostport:
            port = int(h.split(':')[1])
        # TODO manage multi port values I have no idea how ?!
        host=', '.join(hosts)
    replicaset = get_setting('database:replicaset')
    username = get_setting('database:username')
    password = get_setting('database:password')

    if not host:
        connection = MongoClient()
        kwargs = {
            'username': username,
            'password': password

        if replicaset:
            kwargs['replicaset'] = replicaset
        connection = MongoClient(**kwargs)
    newdb = connection[database_name]
    db = MongoProxy(newdb)
    return db

I wonder why I face the issue to begin with, I'm pretty sure I followed instructions.

Any advice will be welcome !

thank you

The code is compatible with the version of pymongo specified in server/requirements.txt. You appear to be using a newer version of pymongo. Most likely you are invoking the server incorrectly so you aren't running it inside the server virtualenv created by the setup script and as a result you are using the version of pymongo installed in the OS instead of the version installed in the virtualenv, though that's just a guess. You haven't provided any details about how you set up the server or how you're invoking it ("I'm pretty sure I followed instructions" is not a particularly detailed description of what you did), so I can't begin to guess how you're ending up with the server using the wrong version of pymongo.

I can't make the code compatible with the current version of pymongo at this time, because MongoDBProxy isn't compatible with the current version of pymongo and I don't have time to fix MongoDBProxy.

Having said that, I did just push several commits with some non-functional code cleanup as well as several functional changes:

  • Upgrade to requests 2.32.3 for a security fix.
  • Upgrade to pymongo 4.6.3 (which remains compatible with the PenguinDome code) for a security fix.
  • Switch to a patched version of MongoDBProxy which installs successfully.
  • Switch to a patched version of stopit which is compatible with Python 3.12.
  • Replace use of the deprecated distutils.version with packaging.version.
  • Replace deprecated use of datetime.datetime.utcnow() with datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc).

Hope this helps.

Thank you for the detailed clarification, I'll investigate what's wrong. At least I know it definitely should work.

Being not that experienced in python, allow me to detail things, maybe it will ring a bell ? (or just forget about that, you're not supposed to do python teaching :) )

I run /bin/server
which sources the virtualenv that was built.

 cat ./bin/server                                                                                 
#!/bin/bash -e
. "/home/xxxxx/src/PenguinDome/var/server-venv/bin/activate"
exec python "/home/xxxxx/src/PenguinDome/server/server.py" "$@"

the error I get comes from the 'right' virtualenv

 File "/home/xxxxx/src/PenguinDome/var/server-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymongo/collection.py", line 3503, in __call__
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. If you meant to call the 'authenticate' method on a 'Database' object it is failing because no such method exists.

and pymongo in this case shows as 4.5.0 (which should not be concerned with the issue I have, and which is the version in requirements.txt)

find src/PenguinDome | grep pymongo                                                              

I'd better start from scratch anyway :)

Started from scratch, here's what I did, and got the same result.
And venv contains the "good" pymongo version , now 4.6.3

I'm clueless.

10202  28.9.2024 11:21  git clone https://github.com/quantopian/PenguinDome.git
10203  28.9.2024 11:21  cd PenguinDome
10205  28.9.2024 11:21  ./server/server-setup.sh
10206  28.9.2024 11:23  cat ./bin/server
10207  28.9.2024 11:23   ./bin/server

and here's the output

created virtual environment CPython3.10.12.final.0-64 in 128ms
  creator CPython3Posix(dest=/home/xxxxx/srcAlt/PenguinDome/var/server-venv, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)
  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/xxxxx/.local/share/virtualenv)
    added seed packages: pip==24.2, setuptools==74.0.0, wheel==0.44.0
  activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,NushellActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator

If this takes a long time to run, you may want to install haveged or
some other tool for adding entropy to the kernel.

Do you want to configure things interactively? [y] 
What port should the server listen on? [80] 
What local-only port should the server use? [5000] 
Do you want the server to use SSL? [n] 
Database host:port: localhost:27017
Database host:port: [hit Enter when finished] 
Replicaset name: 
Database name: [penguindome] 
Database username: penguin
Database password: password
Server logbook handler (e.g., stderr, syslog) (empty for none): [stderr] [enter "none" to clear] 
Server logging level (e.g., debug, info): [debug] 
Do you want to enable the audit cron job? [n] 
URL base, e.g., http://hostname, for clients to reach server: http://localhost
Google geolocation API key, if any: 
How often (minutes) do you want to collect data? [5] 
How often (minutes) do you want re-try submits? [1] 
Client logbook handler (e.g., stderr, syslog) (empty for none): [stderr] [enter "none" to clear] 
Client logging level (e.g., debug, info): [debug] 
Saved server settings.
Saved client settings.
Do you want to add the server to systemd? [y] n
Do you want to build a release with the new client settings? [y] 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xxxxx/srcAlt/PenguinDome/server/server.py", line 1012, in <module>
  File "/home/xxxxx/srcAlt/PenguinDome/server/server.py", line 971, in main
  File "/home/xxxxx/srcAlt/PenguinDome/server/server.py", line 915, in prepare_database
    db = get_db()
  File "/home/xxxxx/srcAlt/PenguinDome/penguindome/server.py", line 131, in get_db
    newdb.authenticate(username, password)
  File "/home/xxxxx/srcAlt/PenguinDome/var/server-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pymongo/collection.py", line 3501, in __call__
    raise TypeError(
TypeError: 'Collection' object is not callable. If you meant to call the 'authenticate' method on a 'Database' object it is failing because no such method exists.

OK, you've convinced me this is my fault. ;-)
Investigating further.

OK, this is fixed. My apologies for doubting you, I didn't run into this when I tested because it only happens when you use a username and password for the MongoDB connection (which, in retrospect, is obvious!) and I forgot to test that.

While I was in the process of fixing this I upgraded all the Python packages to their current versions.

Don't apologize ! And thank you !!
I was convinced I did something wrong to be honest, and could not see what :)

Works like a charm now !