
Build 3.x.x branch is impossible

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Hi, the packages for the 3.x.x is only available in 3.0.6 and lower on download page

I need build the last commit because the 3.0.7 have a fix for DRBD, but i can't build the new image of ESOS, i have follow this instruction and try this but nothing work.

I have try with ubuntu 12.04, 19.04 and 20.04 and fedora 33.
I give you the log for this command "make -j5 -w -Orecurse > /tmp/bootstrap.out 2>&1"

I just need the last build of 3.0.8 if someone can help me or give me a last installer packages (3.0.7 or 3.0.8).

It's working after few days of try, i don't know why ✌️

I have make fresh install ubuntu 19.04 with 32GB disk.

After installation disable auto update and run this following commands :

  1. sudo sed -i -re 's/([a-z]{2}\.)?archive.ubuntu.com|security.ubuntu.com/old-releases.ubuntu.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  3. sudo apt-get install build-essential
  4. sudo apt-get install git autoconf gawk flex bison gcc-multilib unzip libtinfo-dev libtool lsscsi kpartx libxslt1-dev groff gettext xsltproc pkg-config autopoint zip dosfstools
  5. git clone https://github.com/quantum/esos.git
  6. cd esos
  7. git checkout 3.x.x
  8. autoconf
  9. ./configure
  10. sudo make symlink
  11. make -j4 -w -Orecurse > /tmp/bootstrap.out 2>&1 ( -j [number of cpu core] )
  12. Normally the previous command fail, run a second time without "-j4" make -w -Orecurse > /tmp/bootstrap.out 2>&1
  13. sudo ./chroot_build.sh -j4 -w -Orecurse > /tmp/chroot.out 2>&1 ( -j [number of cpu core] )
  14. sudo rm /tools
  15. sudo make image
  16. make pkg_dist

After the step 12 you have new file un ESOS directory "./chroot_build.sh" if this file doesn't exist 😢 and retry.