
Can't install later than qsim 0.9.5 with python 3.10

95-martin-orion opened this issue · 6 comments

On machines which only have python 3.10 installed, running pip install qsimcirq gets version 0.9.5 with the following error message for later versions: none of the wheel's tags (<wheel>) are compatible.

It is possible to work around this by installing an older python version (e.g. using pyenv), but ideally users shouldn't need to worry about their python version as long as they have at least python 3.7.

To fix this, we should add a python 3.10 wheel to the release.

Thanks, Orion, we also hit this issue today 🙏

Reopening because the 0.13.1 release does not have python 3.10 wheels, despite being clearly logged in the workflow printout.

Aha! From the cibuildwheel changelogs:

🌟 Added the ability to test building wheels on CPython 3.10!

So we need to bump our cibuildwheel version as well.

Back again, as advancing cibuildwheel still does not fix the issue.

It's possible that the setup-python version we use does not support python 3.10 (or at least doesn't install it by default). I'll try advancing that version as well.

This will be fully resolved (verified this time!) once #550 is merged and a new release is created.