
Quantum Chess: Check reservation status

Closed this issue · 1 comments

One feature that might be cool is to be able to play on a real quantum computer during specific times in the day and execute moves on hardware opportunistically.

Using the API (https://quantumai.google/cirq/google/engine) and reservation functionality similar to this colab (https://github.com/quantumlib/Cirq/blob/master/docs/tutorials/google/reservations.ipynb), we could add in some functions to check whether the processors are available. The function could take in a ordered list of processor ids and return which processor(s) are available to run on.

For bonus points, it would be good to use timing information from quantumlib/ReCirq#130 to keep track of how long it takes to run circuits on each processor as a proxy for how busy the processor is and use that to determine the best processor.

Closing this, as we don't have a reservation system right now.