
WebSearchTool breaks the DevUI

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Chatting with the model in 0.15.0 is no longer possible, but instead we get:

{"id":12,"error":{"code":-32603,"message":"Method [io.quarkiverse.langchain4j.quarkus-langchain4j-core.chat] failed: No bean found for required type [class dev.langchain4j.web.search.WebSearchTool] and qualifiers [[]]"},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}

The reason this happens is because LangChain4j now includes dev.langchain4j.web.search.WebSearchTool#searchWeb which is annotated with @Tool, but we don't create a bean for this class.

As a first step, we should not consider this class a tool unless there is an implementation of WebSearchEngine (this isn't fool proof, but it's good enough for now)

I will fix this, but @jmartisk I think we need some sort of smoke test for the chat interface of the DevUI

@phillip-kruger are there any existing Dev UI tests that actually work with the UI?

There are tests for jsonrpc calls and tests for build time data. There are no Ui tests (as in playwright)