
Make WireMock extension for Quarkus an official Dev Service

Opened this issue · 21 comments

Congrats with the 1.0.0 release @chberger !

This extension looks like a Dev Service, smells like a DevService, and also behaves and gets configured as a Dev Service. But formally it is not one at the moment. It would be great to make it more official and have it listed on https://quarkus.io/guides/dev-services and within the Quarkus app.

I'd be happy to help with documentation and whatever needed for it


Quarkus Dev UI

Right now the extension is not listed as a dev service



Hi @oleg-nenashev, many thanks! 🚀

I really like your proposal! 👍 However, I'm not sure whether the Quarkus team will actually list external Dev Services in their guides. I have the impression that all Dev Services currently mentioned are part of the core platform.

Anyway, feel free to get in touch with the Quarkus team. Maybe it is actually conceivable ... 🤞

Regarding your last point I've created a PR which addresses this issue: #72. I would be delighted if you would review it.

Cc @maxandersen @aloubyansky for the dev service criteria. On behalf of the WireMock community, would be happy to cooperate on that

We already have neo4j listed.

If gets to be issue we'll fix it and make it work.

I've raised quarkusio/quarkusio.github.io#1869 for a discussion of listing more dev services on https://quarkus.io/guides/dev-services.

Hi @chberger could you please send me your contact email address (my one is public in the profile - o.v.nenashev at gmail dot com)? I would like to add you directly to the email conversation with @holly-cummins that we started on this subject

@chberger This is being labeled as stale.

@chberger This is being closed due to inactivity.

@chberger could you please reopen it?

@oleg-nenashev thanks for the hint

Oh, and I thought I already commented, but I can't find it, so maybe not. As a general terminology clarification, a dev service is just the ability to start a zero-configuration container; some extensions do, and some don't. It's not a description of extension status or something extensions get nominated to be.

Thanks, @phillip-kruger! I can see the dev services description build item in the code, so I guess the next thing is to confirm if the dev service is still missing from the UI.

I've just checked (sorry, I should have done that before asking you, @phillip-kruger!), and I can see it in my dev UI:


@oleg-nenashev, is it still missing for you?

@holly-cummins it was added by @chberger in 1.1.0 - #72 . Sorry, this ticket is a bit dated, will update

See https://quarkus.io/version/main/guides/dev-services for the new guide content. So I think it's just mentioning the extension in https://quarkus.io/guides/getting-started-testing which is outstanding.

@chberger This is being labeled as stale.

Not stale but still needs a few steps

@chberger This is being labeled as stale.

The one outstanding item for this item is adding something to https://quarkus.io/guides/getting-started-testing. I never know exactly how much the guides should be about the core/platform, and how much they should include the whole Quarkiverse, but independently of that question, this bit in the guide seems definitely wrong:

Common cases include starting docker containers using Testcontainers (an example of which can be found here), or starting a mock HTTP server using Wiremock (an example of which can be found here).

We wouldn't expect people to use a test resource for WireMock, because there's an extension. So the text wants changing, maybe to find a different example of user-managed resources. And @geoand, I wonder if the code example should be updated?

Yeah, we can definitely update that

I proposed to add a little more information for the Wiremock dev ui card here #180

If you have any other thoughts or additions let me know 😄