
Quarto latex stop working on Mac OS

xomaxy opened this issue · 2 comments

This quarto extension has stop working for me for some reason. When I try to run the example code I get this error

Error running filter _extensions/quarto-ext/latex-environment/latex-environment.lua: ...sions/quarto-ext/latex-environment/latex-environment.lua:66: attempt to call a nil value (field 'is_format') stack traceback:

I don't know how to code in Lua, but tracing the history of the commits I found that recently the following line has changed

if quarto.doc.isFormat("latex") then
# to
   if quarto.doc.is_format("latex") then

if I remove this change (to the old isFormat ) everything works as usual.
I have the latest version of quarto installed, running on vscode with the quarto extension v1.46.0.

We've been changing the underlying API for Quarto and this extension is using the new version. Can you try updating to the latest pre-release of Quarto? That should get it working once again...


it works!