
Clip drag adjust selection

Closed this issue · 1 comments

When adjusting a clip duration by dragging the beginning time later, the graphics make it seem like it is shortening from the end.

Possible solution to freeze position while updating, and only redraw the entire timeline after update.

Possible graphical feature added to distinguish dragging from beginning of one rather than end of the other.

Agreed! Currently, interactjs creates a clip.resizable(), which is triggered on the left/right edges. This changes the cursor to an ew-resize, indicating resizability in those directions.

Just as we have a toolbar for the Monitor, we need to create a Tools palette for the timeline, to establish which action the user would like to perform.

Tools will include:

Tool Icon Function
time | or text jump to time in Monitor
move grab rearrange clips (already implemented with sortablejs)
trim [ ] change inpoint [ and outpoint ] (#5)
cut razor or scissors cut clip into two separate clips at cursor point (#13)
slip ? move the inpoint and outpoint of a clip simultaneously, leaving clip in place in timeline
slide ? move clip in timeline by changing adjacent clips' inpoint and outpoint without changing clip inpoint and outpoint
stretch ? change clip playback speed
marker ? add marker

Also, the concept of cursors will not exist on mobile, but hopefully the Tools approach will keep the interface consistent across devices.

In terms of priority, I would like to develop:

  • time
    • will take care of #5, won't need to differentiate between modes
  • trim
    • change cursors on inpoint/outpoint hover
  • cut
    • split current clip, and modify Edl - #13