
ActiveStorage::AnalyzeJob jobs in rails are not executing - perhaps because priority is nil?

i2chris opened this issue · 0 comments

I have a number of ActiveStorage::AnalyzeJob jobs in que that are not executing. They are in the "Running Jobs" section of que web, but are never executed.

Notice that the executions field is 0.

I'm wondering if the reason they are not being executed is because the priority is nil?

{:job_id=>"ca623917-07b1-4946-8a9c-0578fc8a7537", :locale=>"en", :priority=>nil, :arguments=>[{:_aj_globalid=>"gid://l/ActiveStorage::Blob/131093"}], :job_class=>"ActiveStorage::AnalyzeJob", :executions=>0, :queue_name=>"default", :provider_job_id=>nil}

Any help is greately appreciated!