
Que::ActiveRecord::Model.by_args incompatible with ActiveJob JobWrapper

milgner opened this issue · 2 comments

While Que::ActiveRecord::Model.by_job_class already takes the presence of the job wrapper into account, there is no such provision in .by_args.

After looking at the implementation I was able to successfully query for the presence of a job using partial positional arguments in my application using

.by_args({'arguments' => [{ 'event_id' => important_event_id }]})

but I haven't familiarised myself with the conversion of keyword arguments for the JobWrapper yet so I'm not sure what the correct solution would be for that scenario.

Also, Que::Sequel::Model might need similar adaptations, but I haven't checked that out either.

Ah, good find

class QueJob < Que::ActiveRecord::Model

  def self.by_args(*args, **kwargs)
    # que's version:
    # where("que_jobs.args @> ? AND que_jobs.kwargs @> ?", JSON.dump(args), JSON.dump(kwargs))

    args_json = JSON.dump(args)
    where("(que_jobs.args @> ? OR (que_jobs.job_class = 'ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::QueAdapter::JobWrapper' AND que_jobs.args->0#>'{arguments}' @> ?))
      AND que_jobs.kwargs @> ?", args_json, args_json, JSON.dump(kwargs))