
Set engine options

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Is there a way to set options to the template engine?
I'm using nunjucks and I want to set some options, like I would do with nunjucks.configure.

I would like this feature as well. I checked and it isn't currently supported (see https://github.com/queckezz/koa-views/blob/master/index.js#L133)

The second parameter of state passed in to consolidate is a combination of ctx.state and whatever local values you pass in to render. You can create a simple middleware that adds whatever settings you need to ctx.state, depending on what values consolidate is expecting. Check consolidate to see how it uses those values. For instance for nunjucks you can see it's expecting a settings field so your middleware would look something like this:

app.use((ctx, next) => {
  ctx.state.settings = {
    views: your.parameters.here
  return next();

Admittedly this is not perfect as you have to make sure that the field names on ctx.state don't overwrite something elsewhere in your application but it works.

+1 this is required for any use of partials...

+1 @phairoh Thank you for the example. Any plans to implement this directly?

You can now add engine specific options via options as follows:

const app = new Koa()
  .use(views(__dirname, {
    map: { hbs: 'handlebars' },
    options: {
      helpers: {
        uppercase: (str) => str.toUpperCase()

      partials: {
        subTitle: './my-partial' // requires ./my-partial.hbs
  .use(function (ctx) {
    ctx.state = { title: 'my title', author: 'queckezz' }
    return ctx.render('./my-view.hbs')