
Handlebars helpers not being registered

kingjerod opened this issue · 5 comments

Seems like the helpers are not being registered in handlebars. Code:


app.use(views(viewPath, {
  map: {hbs: 'handlebars'},
  options: {
    helpers: {
      hello: (name) => {
        return "Hello " + name;


<head><title>View Test</title></head>
<div>{{hello "Jerod"}}</div>

When accessing the page, it throws Error: Missing helper: "hello"

Regular handlebars templates work fine, I have tested it without helpers.


This test is passing. Can you compare it to yours?

So I'm starting to think there is some strange library conflict going on. I tried to create a new project to narrow down where the problem is coming from, but it works fine when I do that. It still doesn't work with my main project where I have a lot of other libraries installed, and I can't go about removing things piece by piece until I figure out which one is the culprit. I did create a repo so if somebody really wants to get the bottom of it, it has everything to reproduce the problem. I also copied the exact error that happens.


Try bumping your version from 5.0.2 to 5.2.0. View specific options are only supported since 5.1.0. See 1c0914c

That appears to be the problem, upgrading fixed it. When I do npm install koa-views@next it installs 5.0.2 :(

Aaah my bad, I'll update the tag!