
Opaque Navigation Bar Support

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey, I've been working with your library for a couple days now and I really like it so far, it's definitely one of the better ones out there. I have already made quite a few changes to it to fit my needs but I am struggling with getting it to work with an opaque UINavigationBar in the UINavigationController. Do you have any insight about supporting this or be able to point me in the right direction? It appears that when you use an opaque nav bar the "bottom" / "foreground" view becomes aware of it (as though it applies to the foreground view as well) and there is some strange animation that goes on if you try to hide the navigation bar when animating to full screen. If you know where I can look, I'd be happy to develop the functionality myself and submit a pull request.


Hi apcorc,
Thanks for contribution! I tried to support also translucent navigationbars, but there are currently some issues with the top height. I think the issues are might be a result of the UIScrollView insets, that should change when you hide
the navigationbar. Are you using autolayout? - have a look at this as well...

I'm still developing and happy for any improvements.
