
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined

mrranger opened this issue · 3 comments

Don't pay attention to the-steam-awards-2.0.0, in fact this is the latest version that I just downloaded

[Tue, 21 Nov 2023 18:50:34 GMT][MYNAMEACC] at module.exports. (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\lib\CoreSteam.js:98:18) MYNAMEACC
[Tue, 21 Nov 2023 18:50:34 GMT][MYNAMEACC] at module.exports. (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\lib\CoreSteam.js:104:22) Connected to Steam.
[Tue, 21 Nov 2023 18:50:49 GMT][id - MYNAMEACC] at module.exports. (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\lib\CoreSteam.js:202:18) websession start

TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined
at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5)
at Function.from (node:buffer:333:9)
at new Buffer (node:buffer:288:17)
at SteamWebLogOn.webLogOn (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\node_modules\steam-weblogon\index.js:28:7)
at module.exports. (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\lib\CoreSteam.js:203:27)
at new Promise ()
at module.exports.websession (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\lib\CoreSteam.js:201:16)
at module.exports.onSteamLogOn (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\lib\CoreSteam.js:131:97)
at SteamClient.emit (node:events:526:35)
at handlers. (D:\SteamEventStart\the-steam-awards-2.0.0\node_modules\steam\lib\steam_client.js:281:8) {

Node.js v18.17.1

quer commented

i am create a new module for this event.

i am create a new module for this event.

It’s just that I kind of tried to check any event, or the same nomination, every time I get an error, if this is not my problem then okay, I apologize for the trouble, I’ll wait for the update!

quer commented

Hey, just had a more deeper read on the problem you have. i saw it as a module that fails. But it is the script.

You have to get the newest version of the code,, as it doent use the steam-weblogon module any more.

you can read more on it, in the top of the readme.md ( front page, in this project. )

it was changed here
on Oct 26, 2023