
NO applicable_loaders found for csv

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using CSV
using DataFrames
a = DataFrame(a=[1,2], b=[3,4])
CSV.write("a.csv", a, delim='|', writeheader =false)

using CSVFiles, FileIO, TextParse
@time a = load(File(format"csv", "a.csv"), delim='|')

gettiing error

NO applicable_loaders found for csv

Windows 10 Pro
Julia 1.2
TextParse 0.9.1
CSVFiles 0.15.0
FileIO 1.0.7

You need to use capital letters for the format specifier, i.e. format"CSV". Also, delim is not a keyword argument but a positional argument. This should work:

using CSVFiles
@time a = load(File(format"CSV", "a.csv"), '|')

Also note that this won't read the whole file, load is lazy in this scenario. You probably want something like DataFrame(load(...)).