
Biometric Browser Unlock not working (Unlock button does not trigger prompt)

Agginator opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there!
When I press the "Unlock with Biometrics" Button in the Browser extension, nothing happens (literally). There is no pop-up, no error message or anything else. The button has its push animation (getting grey), but then i can just click in the password field and its back to normal. When I go into Settings-->Account Security and deselect and then select "Unlock with Biometrics" I do get the prompt from goldwarden and a notification that the browser unlock was successful. Oddly enough it did work in the beginning and some day just stopped and now i am at this point.

I am using Linus Mint 22, goldwarden via flatpak, bitwarden v2024.9.1 and firefox.
I tested chrome and it does not work as well (same behavior). Even after reinstalling the system, it still doesn't work.

Thank you for your help!

Upstream is undergoing some pretty heavy changes for the biometric protocol atm:
so the protocol became incompatible for now. I did not have the time to fix it in goldwarden yet.

In the meantime, you can now use biometric unlock on Linux with the official desktop app: bitwarden/clients#4586, though it does not support flatpak yet, and sadly not super high on the (my) priority list. You should be able to use .deb or appimage though.