

Opened this issue · 9 comments

After a clean install of impacket and ExchangeRelayX, I receive the error below

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "exchangeRelayx.py", line 12, in
from impacket.examples.ntlmrelayx.clients.httprelayclient import HTTPSRelayClient
ImportError: cannot import name HTTPSRelayClient

Any suggestions to put me on the path to greatness would be appreciated.

Can you tell me which version of Python you're running it with, and the version of impacket you have installed?

Python 2.7.15+
Impacket 0.9.18.dev0, I have also tried 0.9.17

@ubermedina You're probably running in a virtualenv right? Try running like this instead:
python exchangeRelayx.py -t https://mail.example.com

I will validate but I am pretty sure that's exactly what I ran.

@skorov the command you have is what I ran.

Hmm strange. The error you are getting suggests that you're referencing an older version of impacket.
What output does this command give you?
python -c 'from impacket.version import BANNER; print(BANNER)'

Impacket v0.9.16-dev is my current installed version

There's your problem. You need at least v0.9.17.

Python context is always a tricky thing especially when you've installed impacket using both apt and pip. Which one will it use?

okay with v0.9.17 installed I am still having the same issues.