
Android Code Recipies:Short targeted code snippets to get the job done

Primary LanguageJava


A repo containing simple compilable android projects to explain android programming concepts.

What's in here?

The repo contains simple compilable projects that we put together when learning or experimenting on some android concepts and techonologies and we document relevant parts for fast access.

How do I use this?

Scroll down or visit the wiki page : https://github.com/blikoon/Ubufundi/wiki to see what content is covered so far. It is helping our team already and if somebody else finds it helpful, even better!

What have you covered so far?

1.Layouts and Views

3.Communications and Networking

5.Persisting Data

I like this and I want to help make it better?

Clone this project, add in your project and a small intuitive doc( Something like this : https://github.com/blikoon/Ubufundi/wiki/Interface-between-Java-code-and-javascript-code-in-the-webview) and send us a pull request.

Found a bug or something wrong?

File a github issue


If you need one of our Commercial Services then do Contact us otherwise file a github issue or comment on the particular commit relevant to your question and will try to respond in our time.