
[Bug]: Trigger breakage

Opened this issue · 2 comments

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Bug description

I had an "Clipboard Contents > Append to file" trigger set up on ⇧⌥` which is now unresponsive.

Testing around, all of the non-⌘ triggers I have are actually responding: something like ⌘⌥⌃A: Relaunch Quicksilver works, but ⇧⌃R: Current Selection > Find With… > random website search URL query doesn't.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a trigger with any command
  2. Assign it a shortcut
  3. Restart QS to make sure it's properly registered into the keyhandlers
  4. Whack down the shortcut

Expected behavior

The command should execute.

MacOS Version

macOS 13

Quicksilver Version

2.4.3 (4042)

Relevant Plugins

No response

Crash Logs or Spindump

No response


No response

Additional info

Keyboard layout is french AZERTY.

Possibly related Console logs (those seems to be in reaction to the shortcut, yet nothing happens).

erreur	22:09:25.245183+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.AppKit	Warning: Window QSWindow 0x12040cb60 ordered front from a non-active application and may order beneath the active application's windows.
par défaut	22:09:25.248657+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.AppKit	order window front conditionally: 18bd5 related: 0
par défaut	22:09:25.360055+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.AppKit	order window: 18bd5 op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
par défaut	22:09:25.365447+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.AppKit	order window: 18bd5 op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
erreur	22:09:25.369448+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.SkyLight	CGSWindowShmemCreateWithPort failed on port 0
par défaut	22:09:25.388906+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.AppKit	order window: 18bbf op: 0 relative: 0 related: 0
erreur	22:09:26.971896+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.SkyLight	CGSWindowShmemCreateWithPort failed on port 0
erreur	22:09:27.488106+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.SkyLight	CGSWindowShmemCreateWithPort failed on port 0
erreur	22:09:29.104688+0200	Quicksilver	com.apple.SkyLight	CGSWindowShmemCreateWithPort failed on port 0

More info: it does appear that the fact that the main window doesn't get activated is the cause of the issue. I just tested blanking out the command window, trigger a shortcut (to no effect), then open the command window manually, and the command is actually there.

EDIT Okay, after properly checking, the "Append to file" trigger actually executes (I can see the text I copy get added to the file). It's just that the animation from the trigger executing must be happening behind the active application, hence I thought it wasn't working. The "Find With…" just doesn't work (but I haven't used that one in… years now, so it might have been broken for a while).

I disabled numerous (all?) animations in 2.4.3 due to use of private APIs that cannot be easily updated (due to being private) and so haven't been updated in a decade and finally broke, so I think the missing animation is expected behavior for now.

Can this otherwise be closed?