Should plugins include a link to the respective repo?
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Example: ->
Would be a lot easier to follow the link and update docs rather than going to and searching for the repo name.
(Although I guess I ought to tinker with the web search plugin and make that approach easier as well.)
I don't see why not. Something like "View source code" in the bottom of the page, with the link automatically added by the script. We'd want to make the naming clear, to avoid general users clicking the link looking for support or to file an issue (all issues are filed in quicksilver/quicksilver)
It also would be helpful to have some kind of canonical link to the source code, which I've always thought must be somewhere at that is escaping me.
Reminds me of trying to find the source code to the Twitter plugin, which was a little befuddling for a while:
Might also increase utilization of the manual (as a route for finding the source code for a given plugin). Currently my approach to finding the repo for a plugin is to:
- ddg
quicksilver event triggers
- google
quicksilver event triggers
- quicksilver org repo search at
I should probably reorder those to get there a little more quickly.