
is it possible to display C shared objects in atom?

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Is it possible to display dynamic loaded function (C shared objects in atom)?
I'm playing with p.q (embedPy), it seems one can not display namespace .p properly in atom:
\l p.q
in terminal:

eval    | {[f;x]r:wrap f x 0;$[count x:1_x;.[;x];]r}[code]enlist
e       | {$["def"~3#x;$[x[3]in"<*>";ei 3;eo];"class"~5#x;$[x[5]in"*>";ei 5;e..
py2q    | code
q2py    | code
get     | {[f;x]r:wrap f x 0;$[count x:1_x;.[;x];]r}[code]enlist
set     | {[f;x;y]f[x]unwrap y;}[code]
import  | {[f;x]r:wrap f x 0;$[count x:1_x;.[;x];]r}[code]enlist
getattr | code

in atom:

Q: .p


This is not related to Atom - it is Q IPC issue. If you try to request .p from another Q process you'll see the same error. I don't think I can do anything here - I would have to modify the original query.

Exactly! It's due to the problem of IPC. But strangely it seems jupyterq can display it properly:


It's a bit painful to use embedPy in atom, if we couldn't display it properly. Maybe I could make some modification on .z.pg to filter dynamic load type.

I guess all data goes through embedPy. It is like if you would modify .z.pg to sanitize the result.

OK, thanks !