
Quip Error After Auth With salesforce

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  1. In Our Quip Live app When i try to authenticate we are showing the dialog for login in to salesforce after authentication we are closing the model and give user the access but from last few days i am seeing an error
    Can i know why this error is happening
    Fot {message: 'Can only show backdrop when Element is focused.', stack: 'Error\n at new Fot (https://quip-cdn.com/vGk0YJS…ps://quip-cdn.com/vGk0YJSON0-5_ets-FOGOw:2:15092)', name: 'QuipError'}
    message*: "Can only show backdrop when Element is focused."
    name*: "QuipError"

Hi @dharmateja369 , thank you for reaching out.

I noticed before calling showBackDrop(), we need to make sure that isElementFocused() returns true.
Otherwise, the error you pasted here will show up.

Do you recently make any changes to your live app?
Please let me know if you have any further questions.