
Worker not picking up status jobs

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When I create a job through status, I see the "statused" queue created but the number of jobs in the "Overview" does NOT increment, and the job shows up on the "Statuses" tab in the web-ui, but workers stated with:

QUEUE=* rake rescue:work

Never pick up the jobs. The status shows them "queued" and nothing changes.

It seems like the job isn't being inserted properly for them to be visible in the queue.

Am I doing something wrong?

I'm using rails, and it seems that including "require 'resque/job_with_status'" in my initializer resolved it.

FWIW I was having this same issue with the latest versions of Resque and Resque Status. Not sure why requiring this one file would fix that issue, but this is what my queue was looking like before:

The top three successes were after adding the require statement to my Resque initializer. I suspect autoloading weirdness.