
Received exception .... #<NameError: uninitialized constant SleepJob>

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Ubuntu 10.10, ruby 1.9.3 and Redis 2.4.13 with rbenv

rails (3.2.3)
resque (1.20.0)
resque-status (0.3.3)

When running the example job sleep_job.rb as explained in the documents, I am getting the following error
... 13543: Received exception when reporting failure: NameError: uninitialized constant SleepJob

The worker is started with
RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=* be rake resque:work VVERBOSE=1

Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I am seeing the same problem.

No. But got something working by using the following gems (gems could be outdated)
I needed a quick background scheduler solution, but did not had the time to
investigate the problem.

Resque background worker scheduler to work with redis
gem "resque", "1.21.0", :require => 'resque/server'

To view the status of resque jobs
gem "resque-status",:require => 'resque/status_server', :git => "git://github.com/pivotal-casebook/resque-status.git"