
Polish Character Jump

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Replaying Streets of Rage I noticed every character can influence it's x position after jumping, I think for most characters this is limited but for Cherry you have more control? I'm not sure, but I remember Cherry's training lessons making a special point of it. Anyway, I should add some for of it because the neutral jump right now is way too dull

But even before that, jumping right now is messing with Y Sorting, so I need to make the jump "fake" and only move the skin but not the Kinematic body, should help with background collisions maybe. or make it harder depending on the type of obstacle and if we want to be able to jump on top of things, but I think this is out of scope for the template


  • Fake jumping and fix YSorting
  • Improve Neutral Jump and Air control
  • Make air attack easier to use by keeping it until it is close to the ground?
  • Add a "fall gravity modifier" option to make characters fall faster and jump feel less floaty?

Closed by 4649414