
make output TAP conform

Closed this issue · 7 comments

There is qunit-tap in npm. Code repository: https://github.com/twada/qunit-tap

kof commented


How am I supposed to use qunit addons with this wrapper library? I can't access the QUnit object itself, because it's only available to the child processes, so I can't pass it into the qunitTap function. qunit-reporter-junit has a similar dependency on the actual QUnit object.

kof commented

Need to investigate how to do that. Right now its just not done.

kof commented

Also you might want to create a separate issue for addons ...

I can do that. Since the addon was your suggestion I had hoped I had overlooked something :(

Note that the official QUnit CLI has a TAP reporter built-in and enabled by default: https://qunitjs.com/cli/.

I'll keep this issue open but am not likely to work on it myself. Help is welcome however! For anyone intersted, the js-reporters package provides everything you need to create a TAP reporter in Node.js.