
Double Scrollbar because of Panel Control

shamrocksu88 opened this issue · 8 comments

There are double scroll-bars being show in Flat UI theme. Could you please fix it.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download from GitHub
  2. Open index.html and see.

I see same bug

anybody interested in pull request?

@mkuklis Tried fix suggested here(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15737575/double-scroll-bars-when-using-the-panels-of-jquery-mobile-1-3-in-asp-net-mvc-4) in my local. But didn't' work. Would be great if someone could help out.

I just tried it (Chrome Mac and iOS simulator / Safari) and did not see this.
Could it be a specific browser issue?

@emetselaar Ya in mac the issue is not reproducible but in all Windows based browser I could see double scroll bars.

Tested in : Windows XP

@mkuklis Any temporary fix available?

even tried with the min-height , way to fix it.
still getting 2 scrollbars( Ubuntu Chrome , Firefox )