
RTReferencedStudySequence not present in RTSTRUCT dicom file?

IlvaHou55 opened this issue · 2 comments


Because the attribute RTReferencedStudySequence is of type 3 (optional) it can be the case this is omitted in the RTSTRUCT dicom file. Because of this, an error message in validate_rtstruct_series_references.py occurs, when I try to convert the RTSTRUCT contour into a 3D mask in python.

Is this attribute really necessary and can you work around this issue?

Thank you!

UPDATE: Just commenting out the part where validate_rtstruct_series_references.py is called, worked for my application.

Hi @IlvaHou55 thank you for reaching out! That method is a sort of sanity check measure to ensure the RTStruct you have input is indeed only accessing files from the series you have input.

Given that the value is optional, I'll put a work around in sometime this week for when the value is not present.