
Quantum optimal control section missing references

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The documentation for quantum optimal control has numerous numbered references within the text, however there is no bibliography detailing what papers are being referenced.

I see the bibliography just fine in
. @webstersc do you want to send me the link you are referring to?

I'm looking in the documentation on the qutip site: http://qutip.org/docs/latest/guide/guide-control.html

It looks like the html documentation is based on an earlier version of the notebook you posted a link to.

Yes, I see what you mean. Looks like I need to add the control refs to the main bibliography and link.
There are a few other little issues too (missing images etc)
I'll tidy it up.
Thanks for pointing this out

I have now fixed the citation links, and added the image links.
@webstersc Thanks again for notifying us about this