
Broken links in Lecture 0

purva-thakre opened this issue · 5 comments

There are some broken links in Lecture 0 - Introduction to QuTiP - The Quantum Toolbox in Python (found here). Since I cannot find this on Github to make a pull request, I have created an issue. The new changes are itemized according to subsection.

Introduction - For more information see the project web site at http://qutip.googlecode.com http://qutip.org/, and the documentation at http://qutip.googlecode.com/svn/doc/2.1.0/html/index.html http://qutip.org/documentation.html.

Installation - To install QuTiP, download the latest release from http://code.google.com/p/qutip/downloads/list http://qutip.org/download.html or get the latest code from

For more detailed installation instructions and a list of dependencies that must be installed on the system (basically python+cython+numpy+scipy+matplotlib), see http://qutip.googlecode.com/svn/doc/2.1.0/html/installation.html http://qutip.org/docs/latest/installation.html#building-your-conda-environment.

Thanks. This is because the lecture notes are from another repository, Rob Johansson's. We've been discussing forking / copying them in qutip-notebooks to make the repo more manageable. See #96. You can try open a PR here directly https://github.com/jrjohansson/qutip-lectures.

Thank you for pointing me to the correct repository.

@nathanshammah Do you happen to know if someone is working on copying these lectures in qutip-notebooks ?
I see the discussion in #96 and a proposed solution.

@nathanshammah Few links are still not working in Lecture-0-Introduction to QuTip.

Closing this issue in favour of qutip/qutip-tutorials#14 in the new qutip-tutorials repo.